Political Goals
1. To promote Mexican patriotism and the national/regional cultures of our nation which give us our identity.
a. We desire for our nation to make the necessary progress through the development of our different civil and folkloric cultures and social-economic situation with a positive optimism and a moderate mentality towards the future of our people
that is without ideological extremism. We want for all Mexicans to have the appropriate love for their country and for it to drive them to seek the good of all their fellow compatriots; as well as seeking the good of the natural environment and resources which give so much value and beauty to our nation apart from being our sustenance. Our country is beautiful and our people must wake up and realize their potential. We have the means to become a powerful and influential country without resorting to international bullying or a foreign policy that jeopardizes the rights and sovereignty of other nations or that of our own domestic states and citizens.
2. To promote and impulse the development of Mexican indigenous communities and societies under their own terms as well as the preservation, celebration and diffusion of their languages, cultures and traditions.
3. To promote the indigenous patrimony of the Mexican nation.
4. To promote a reform of the local and federal police infrastructure; as well as to increase their funding in order to reach the adequate level required to prevent, investigate and punish all forms of corruption.
5. To promote the adequate funds and resources for our armed forces with the intended objective of having well trained and highly disciplined professional soldiers in order to diminish, and hopefully end, all abuse towards the general population.
a. We want for our country to have the adequate armed forces to protect the sovereignty and interests of the Mexican people; be they against foreign or domestic threats. For such a cause we require professional soldiers that will devote themselves to their duty and not pursue selfish interests or sadistic pleasures which are common among the mongrel conscripts. Our soldiers much be exposed to higher education, with emphasis on Ethics and the Humanities, as well as be allowed to pursue a Bachelors, Master's and Doctorate degrees by having the proper infrastructure to facilitate their desired goals of self improvement.
6. To make all primary, secondary and university education free, or reasonably affordable, and of the highest quality for all citizens reaching down to the lowest levels of poverty as possible. No one should be deprived from their natural right to receive an education because of their age, gender, race, economic position, or handicap. Our goal here to make scholastic education a basic human right that is not just reserved for the rich and privileged.
7. To create an entity or system of monitoring all public servants from police to politicians. Their actions and policies, which do not involve immediate national security, must be made public and monitored by an attached and separate agency whose sole purpose is to serve as a watchdog to keep their activities in check in order to sniff out conspiracies and corruptions.
8. To create a reform of the economic system of the country to close the gap that exists between the wealthy and the poor. Our purpose here is to create a solid and stable middle class population which we desire to be the great majority of the nation.
9. To diminish or erase all extremism within our nation which may come from either socialist or neo-liberalist influence. Our solid goal here is democracy and moderation; we are tolerant of communism and capitalism so long as they contribute to the good of our people but what we do not tolerate and can never accept is the radicalism of either of these ideals. We also seek to completely erase all "Latino" and "Hispanicist" mentality and influence because it does not apply to our Mexican reality and only distorts our identity and heritage by promoting the idea that we are a facsimile of Spain or confuses it with the identities of other so-called Latin American countries.
10. To reduce the salary of all Politicians.